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good usage

  • 1 good usage

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > good usage

  • 2 usage

    [ʹju:zıdʒ,ʹju:sıdʒ] n
    1. обращение

    rough [good] usage - грубое [хорошее] обращение

    2. 1) употребление, применение, использование
    2) узус, обычное употребление (слов, выражений и т. п.)

    expression that has come into usage - выражение, вошедшее в употребление

    a new meaning sanctioned by usage - новое значение ( слова), санкционированное узусом /употребительностью/

    3. 1) обычай, обыкновение
    2) юр. торговый обычай

    usage of trade - торговый обычай, узанс, узанция

    НБАРС > usage

  • 3 good

    I [gʊd] n
    польза, выгода, благо, добро

    Have a cup of tea - it will do you good. — Выпейте чашку чая - вам станет лучше.

    I am telling you this for your own good. — Я говорю вам об этом для вашего же блага.

    There is no good doing it. — Бесполезно это делать.

    He left the place for good. — Он уехал навсегда.

    There is [some] good in everybody. — В каждом человеке есть что-то хорошее.

    He is no good for the work. — Он совсем не годится для этой работы.

    The rain has done much good to the crops. — Дождь был очень полезен для урожая

    - common good
    - highest good
    - for the common good
    - for the public good
    - for the general good
    - for the national good
    - for good of smb
    - for the good of mankind
    - accomplish much good in such a little while
    - be up to no good
    - be any good
    - come to no good
    - develop the good that is in the beast
    - do smb much of good
    - do a lot of good
    - do smb little good
    - do no good
    - do smb good
    - find the good in people
    - know good from bad
    - promote the general good of the community
    - repay the good
    - return good for evil
    - sacrifice future good for present gain
    II [gʊd] adj
    (better ['betə], best [best])
    1) хороший, добрый

    She is good at languages. — Она способна к языкам. /Ей легко даются языки.

    It is good of him to do smth — Любезно с его стороны сделать что-либо.

    It's a good thing you didn't go there. — Хорошо, что вы не пошли туда.

    - good man
    - good mark
    - good seat
    - be a good student
    - be a good dancer
    - be good to smb
    - become good to smb
    2) полезный, хороший

    It's good for (the) health. — Это полезно для здоровья.

    These shoes aren't good for walking. — Эти ботинки не годятся для ходьбы.

    Is this water good to drink? — Эту воду можно пить? /Эта вода пригодна для питья.?

    - be good for a cold
    - be good for smb

    She is good with a needle. — Она умеет хорошо шить. /Она владеет иголкой.

    She is good at knitting. — Она хорошо вяжет.

    The boy is not good at figures. — Мальчик плохо считает.

    No news is good news. — Нет новостей - уже хорошо.

    One good turn deserved another. — Услуга за услугу. /Долг платежом красен.

    All is good in its season. — Всему свой черед.

    A good beginning is half a battle. — Доброе начало полдела откачало. /Лиха беда - начало.

    A good dog deserves a good bone. — По заслугам и честь.

    Go while the going is good. — Работай, пока работается. /Куй железо, пока горячо.

    - be good at skating
    (1.) Русские хорошо себя чувствовать, хорошо выглядеть передаются сочетаниями глаголов to feel и to look с прилагательным well (а не good!). В этих сочетаниях возвратное местоимение не употребляется: I feel quite well. Я чувствую себя вполне здоровой. (2.) See feel, v (3.) See look, v (4.) See dance, v

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > good

  • 4 Usage note : be

    The direct French equivalent of the verb to be in subject + to be + predicate sentences is être:
    I am tired
    = je suis fatigué
    Caroline is French
    = Caroline est française
    the children are in the garden
    = les enfants sont dans le jardin
    It functions in very much the same way as to be does in English and it is safe to assume it will work as a translation in the great majority of cases.
    Note, however, that when you are specifying a person’s profession or trade, a/an is not translated:
    she’s a doctor
    = elle est médecin
    Claudie is still a student
    = Claudie est toujours étudiante
    This is true of any noun used in apposition when the subject is a person:
    he’s a widower
    = il est veuf
    Lyons is a beautiful city
    = Lyon est une belle ville
    For more information or expressions involving professions and trades consult the usage note Shops, Trades and Professions.
    For the conjugation of the verb être see the French verb tables.
    Grammatical functions
    The passive
    être is used to form the passive in French just as to be is used in English. Note, however, that the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject:
    the rabbit was killed by a fox
    = le lapin a été tué par un renard
    the window had been broken
    = la fenêtre avait été cassée
    their books will be sold
    = leurs livres seront vendus
    our doors have been repainted red
    = nos portes ont été repeintes en rouge
    In spoken language, French native speakers find the passive cumbersome and will avoid it where possible by using the impersonal on where a person or people are clearly involved : on a repeint nos portes en rouge.
    Progressive tenses
    In French the idea of something happening over a period of time cannot be expressed using the verb être in the way that to be is used as an auxiliary verb in English.
    The present
    French uses simply the present tense where English uses the progressive form with to be:
    I am working
    = je travaille
    Ben is reading a book
    = Ben lit un livre
    The future
    French also uses the present tense where English uses the progressive form with to be:
    we are going to London tomorrow
    = nous allons à Londres demain
    I’m (just) coming!
    = j’arrive!
    I’m (just) going!
    = j’y vais!
    The past
    To express the distinction between she read a newspaper and she was reading a newspaper French uses the perfect and the imperfect tenses: elle a lu un journal/elle lisait un journal:
    he wrote to his mother
    = il a écrit à sa mère
    he was writing to his mother
    = il écrivait à sa mère
    However, in order to accentuate the notion of describing an activity which went on over a period of time, the phrase être en train de (= to be in the process of) is often used:
    ‘what was he doing when you arrived?’
    ‘he was cooking the dinner’
    = ‘qu’est-ce qu’il faisait quand tu es arrivé?’ ‘il était en train de préparer le dîner’
    she was just finishing her essay when …
    = elle était juste en train de finir sa dissertation quand …
    The compound past
    Compound past tenses in the progressive form in English are generally translated by the imperfect in French:
    I’ve been looking for you
    = je te cherchais
    For progressive forms + for and since (I’ve been waiting for an hour, I had been waiting for an hour, I’ve been waiting since Monday etc.) see the entries for and since.
    When to be is used as an auxiliary verb with another verb in the infinitive ( to be to do) expressing obligation, a fixed arrangement or destiny, devoir is used:
    she’s to do it at once
    = elle doit le faire tout de suite
    what am I to do?
    = qu’est-ce que je dois faire?
    he was to arrive last Monday
    = il devait arriver lundi dernier
    she was never to see him again
    = elle ne devait plus le revoir.
    In tag questions
    French has no direct equivalent of tag questions like isn’t he? or wasn’t it? There is a general tag question n’est-ce pas? (literally isn’t it so?) which will work in many cases:
    their house is lovely, isn’t it?
    = leur maison est très belle, n’est-ce pas?
    he’s a doctor, isn’t he?
    = il est médecin, n’est-ce pas?
    it was a very good meal, wasn’t it?
    = c’était un très bon repas, n’est-ce pas?
    However, n’est-ce pas can very rarely be used for positive tag questions and some other way will be found to express the extra meaning contained in the tag: par hasard ( by any chance) can be very useful as a translation:
    ‘I can’t find my glasses’ ‘they’re not in the kitchen, are they?’
    = ‘je ne trouve pas mes lunettes’ ‘elles ne sont pas dans la cuisine, par hasard?’
    you haven’t seen Gaby, have you?
    = tu n’as pas vu Gaby, par hasard?
    In cases where an opinion is being sought, si? meaning more or less or is it? or was it? etc. can be useful:
    it’s not broken, is it?
    = ce n’est pas cassé, si?
    he wasn’t serious, was he?
    = il n’était pas sérieux, si?
    In many other cases the tag question is simply not translated at all and the speaker’s intonation will convey the implied question.
    In short answers
    Again, there is no direct equivalent for short answers like yes I am, no he’s not etc. Where the answer yes is given to contradict a negative question or statement, the most useful translation is si:
    ‘you’re not going out tonight’ ‘yes I am’
    = ‘tu ne sors pas ce soir’ ‘si’
    In reply to a standard enquiry the tag will not be translated:
    ‘are you a doctor?’ ‘yes I am’
    = ‘êtes-vous médecin?’ ‘oui’
    ‘was it raining?’ ‘yes it was’
    = ‘est-ce qu’il pleuvait?’ ‘oui’
    For expressions of probability and supposition ( if I were you etc.) see the entry be.
    Other functions
    Expressing sensations and feelings
    In expressing physical and mental sensations, the verb used in French is avoir:
    to be cold
    = avoir froid
    to be hot
    = avoir chaud
    I’m cold
    = j’ai froid
    to be thirsty
    = avoir soif
    to be hungry
    = avoir faim
    to be ashamed
    = avoir honte
    my hands are cold
    = j’ai froid aux mains
    If, however, you are in doubt as to which verb to use in such expressions, you should consult the entry for the appropriate adjective.
    Discussing health and how people are
    In expressions of health and polite enquiries about how people are, aller is used:
    how are you?
    = comment allez-vous?
    ( more informally) comment vas-tu?
    are you well?
    = vous allez bien?
    how is your daughter?
    = comment va votre fille?
    my father is better today
    = mon père va mieux aujourd’hui
    Discussing weather and temperature
    In expressions of weather and temperature faire is generally used:
    it’s cold
    = il fait froid
    it’s windy
    = il fait du vent
    If in doubt, consult the appropriate adjective entry.
    Visiting somewhere
    When to be is used in the present perfect tense to mean go, visit etc., French will generally use the verbs venir, aller etc. rather than être:
    I’ve never been to Sweden
    = je ne suis jamais allé en Suède
    have you been to the Louvre?
    = est-ce que tu es déjà allé au Louvre?
    or est-ce que tu as déjà visité le Louvre?
    Paul has been to see us three times
    = Paul est venu nous voir trois fois
    Note too:
    has the postman been?
    = est-ce que le facteur est passé?
    For here is, here are, there is, there are see the entries here and there.
    The translation for an expression or idiom containing the verb to be will be found in the dictionary at the entry for another word in the expression: for to be in danger see danger, for it would be best to … see best etc.
    This dictionary contains usage notes on topics such as the clock, time units, age, weight measurement, days of the week, and shops, trades and professions, many of which include translations of particular uses of to be.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : be

  • 5 Usage note : it

    When it is used as a subject pronoun to refer to a specific object (or animal) il or elle is used in French according to the gender of the object referred to:
    ‘where is the book/chair?’ ‘it’s in the kitchen’
    = ‘où est le livre/la chaise?’ ‘il/elle est dans la cuisine’
    ‘do you like my skirt?’ ‘it’s lovely’
    = ‘est-ce que tu aimes ma jupe?’ ‘elle est très jolie’
    However, if the object referred to is named in the same sentence, it is translated by ce (c’ before a vowel):
    it’s a good film
    = c’est un bon film
    When it is used as an object pronoun it is translated by le or la (l’ before a vowel) according to the gender of the object referred to:
    it’s my book/my chair and I want it
    = c’est mon livre/ma chaise et je le/la veux
    Note that the object pronoun normally comes before the verb in French and that in compound tenses like the perfect and the past perfect, the past participle agrees with it:
    I liked his shirt - did you notice it?
    = j’ai aimé sa chemise - est-ce que tu l’as remarquée? or l’as-tu remarquée?
    In imperatives only, the pronoun comes after the verb:
    it’s my book - give it to me
    = c’est mon livre - donne-le-moi (note the hyphens)
    When it is used vaguely or impersonally followed by an adjective the translation is ce (c’ before a vowel):
    it’s difficult
    = c’est difficile
    it’s sad
    = c’est triste
    But when it is used impersonally followed by an adjective + verb the translation is il:
    it’s difficult to understand how…
    = il est difficile de comprendre comment …
    If in doubt consult the entry for the adjective in question.
    For translations for impersonal verb uses (it’s raining, it’s snowing) consult the entry for the verb in question.
    it is used in expressions of days of the week (it’s Friday) and clock time (it’s 5 o’clock). This dictionary contains usage notes on these and many other topics. For other impersonal and idiomatic uses see the entry it.
    When it is used after a preposition in English the two words (prep + it) are often translated by one word in French. If the preposition would normally be translated by de in French (e.g. of, about, from etc.) the prep + it = en:
    I’ve heard about it
    = j’en ai entendu parler
    If the preposition would normally be translated by à in French (e.g. to, in, at etc.) the prep + it = y:
    they went to it
    = ils y sont allés
    For translations of it following prepositions not normally translated by de or à (e.g. above, under, over etc.) consult the entry for the preposition.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : it

  • 6 Usage note : the

    In French, determiners agree in gender and number with the noun they precede ; the is translated by le + masculine singular noun ( le chien), by la + feminine singular noun ( la chaise), by l’ + masculine or feminine singular noun beginning with a vowel or mute ‘h’ (l’auteur, l’homme, l’absence, l’histoire) and by les + plural noun (les hommes, les femmes).
    When the is used after a preposition in English, the two words (prep + the) are often translated by one word in French. If the preposition would normally be translated by de in French (of, about, from etc.) the prep + the is translated by du + masculine noun ( du chien), by de la + feminine noun ( de la femme), by de l’ + singular noun beginning with a vowel or mute ‘h ’ (de l’auteur, de l’histoire) and by des + plural noun (des hommes, des femmes). If the preposition would usually be translated by à (at, to etc.) the prep + the is translated according to the number and gender of the noun, by au ( au chien), à la ( à la femme), à l’ (à l’enfant), aux (aux hommes, aux femmes).
    Other than this, there are few problems in translating the into French.
    The following cases are, however, worth remembering as not following exactly the pattern of the English:
    the good, the poor etc.
    = les bons, les pauvres etc.
    Charles the First, Elizabeth the Second etc.
    = Charles Premier, Elizabeth Deux etc.
    she’s THE violinist of the century
    = c’est LA violoniste du siècle or c’est la plus grande violoniste du siècle
    the Tudors, the Batemans etc.
    = les Tudor, les Bateman etc.
    For expressions such as the more, the better, see the entry the.
    This dictionary contains usage notes on such topics as weight measurement, days of the week, rivers, illnesses, aches and pains, the human body, and musical instruments, many of which use the.
    For other particular usages of the see the entry the.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : the

  • 7 Usage note : have

    When used as an auxiliary in present perfect, future perfect and past perfect tenses, have is normally translated by avoir:
    I have seen
    = j’ai vu
    I had seen
    = j’avais vu
    However, some verbs in French, especially verbs of movement and change of state (e.g. aller, venir, descendre, mourir), take être rather than avoir in these tenses:
    he has left
    = il est parti
    In this case, remember the past participle agrees with the subject of the verb:
    she has gone
    = elle est allée
    Reflexive verbs (e.g. se lever, se coucher) always conjugate with être:
    she has fainted
    = elle s’est évanouie
    For translations of time expressions using for or since (he has been in London for six months, he has been in London since June), see the entries for and since.
    For translations of time expressions using just (I have just finished my essay, he has just gone), see the entry just1.
    to have to meaning must is translated by either devoir or the impersonal construction il faut que + subjunctive:
    I have to leave now
    = il faut que je parte maintenant or je dois partir maintenant
    In negative sentences, not to have to is generally translated by ne pas être obligé de e.g.
    you don’t have to go
    = tu n’es pas obligé d’y aller
    For examples and particular usages see the entry have.
    When have is used as a straightforward transitive verb meaning possess, have (or have got) can generally be translated by avoir, e.g.
    I have (got) a car
    = j’ai une voiture
    she has a good memory
    = elle a une bonne mémoire
    they have (got) problems
    = ils ont des problèmes
    For examples and particular usages see entry ; see also got.
    have is also used with certain noun objects where the whole expression is equivalent to a verb:
    to have dinner = to dine
    to have a try = to try
    to have a walk = to walk
    In such cases the phrase is very often translated by the equivalent verb in French (dîner, essayer, se promener). For translations consult the appropriate noun entry (dinner, try, walk).
    had is used in English at the beginning of a clause to replace an expression with if. Such expressions are generally translated by si + past perfect tense, e.g.
    had I taken the train, this would never have happened
    = si j’avais pris le train, ce ne serait jamais arrivé
    had there been a fire, we would all have been killed
    = s’il y avait eu un incendie, nous serions tous morts
    For examples of the above and all other uses of have see the entry.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : have

  • 8 usage is not supported by good authority

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > usage is not supported by good authority

  • 9 the usage is not supported by good authority

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the usage is not supported by good authority

  • 10 wind

    ветер, воздушный поток
    - on-shore wind
    - eastern wind
    - light wind
    - stinging wind
    - biting wind
    - damp wind
    - wind zone
    - wind rose
    - puff of wind
    - gust of wind
    - direction of wind
    - drifts of snow piled by the wind
    - walk with the wind
    - turn in the wind
    - turn off the wind
    - stand with one's back to the wind
    - stand the wind
    - weather-cock turns with the wind
    - wind blows down trees
    - wind carries sounds
    - sounds were carried on the wind
    - wind blows from the south
    - wind drifted the snow into high banks
    - wind brings rains
    - wind rises
    - wind blows off roofs
    - wind blows strong
    - wind has dropped
    - trees are swaying in the wind
    - stand in the wind
    - it's an ill wind that blows nobody good
    (1.) Существительное wind может осмысляться и как исчисляемое, и как неисчисляемое. Оно определяется словами much и little и может употребляться с определенным артиклем, если при нем нет других определений: to stand in the wind стоять на ветру; to walk against the wind идти против ветра; the wind rises (drops, goes down) ветер поднимается (стихает); The wind blew my hat off. Ветер сорвал у меня с головы шляпу. Если существительное wind имеет при себе определения, то оно осмысляется как исчисляемое и употребляется с неопределенным артиклем: There was a high (a strong, a cold) wind blowing. Дул сильный (холодный) ветер. (2.) See air, n; USAGE (2.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > wind

  • 11 use

    1. noun
    1. noun
       a. ( = act of using) utilisation f
    for + use
    for external use only à usage externe in use [machine] en service ; [word] usité
    to go out of use tomber en désuétude to make good use of sth [+ time, money] faire bon usage de qch ; [+ opportunity, facilities] tirer parti de qch
    to put to use [+ money, equipment] utiliser ; [+ knowledge, experience] mettre à profit
    to put sth to good use [+ time, money] faire bon usage de qch ; [+ opportunity, facilities] mettre qch à profit
       b. ( = way of using) it has many uses cela a de nombreux usages
       c. ( = usefulness) utilité f
    oh, what's the use? (inf) à quoi bon ?
    to be of use être utile (for sth, to sth à qch) ( to sb à qn)
    is this (of) any use to you? est-ce que cela peut vous être utile ?
    it's no use, he won't listen (inf) ça ne sert à rien, il ne veut rien entendre
       d. ( = ability to use, access) usage m
       a. ( = make use of) [+ object, tool] se servir de, utiliser ; [+ force] utiliser ; [+ opportunity] profiter de ; [+ method] employer ; [+ drugs] prendre
    are you using this? vous servez-vous de ceci ?
    use your eyes! sers-toi de tes yeux !
       b. ( = use up) utiliser (tout)
    have you used all the paint? avez-vous utilisé toute la peinture ?
    what did he use to do on Sundays? (inf) qu'est-ce qu'il faisait (d'habitude) le dimanche ?
    Lorsque use est un nom, le se final se prononce s: ju:s, lorsque c'est un verbe, il se prononce z: ju:z, sauf dans les expressions use to ou used to, où se et sed se prononcent s et st: ju:s, ju:st.
    use up [ju:zˈʌp]
    [+ food] finir ; [+ one's strength, resources] épuiser ; [+ money] dépenser
    * * *
    1. [juːs]
    1) [U] ( act of using) (of substance, object, machine) emploi m, utilisation f (of de); (of word, expression, language) emploi m, usage m (of de)

    the use of force — le recours à la force, l'usage de la force

    the use of something as/for something — l'emploi or l'utilisation de quelque chose comme/pour quelque chose

    for the use of somebody —

    for use by somebody — (customer, staff) à l'usage de quelqu'un

    to put something to good use —

    a word in common ou general use — un mot d'usage courant

    out of ou no longer in use — [machine] ( broken) hors service; ( because obsolete) plus utilisé; [word, expression] plus en usage

    2) [C] ( way of using) (of resource, object, material) utilisation f; ( of term) emploi m

    to have no further use for something/somebody — ne plus avoir besoin de quelque chose/quelqu'un

    to have the use ofavoir l'usage de [house, car, kitchen]; avoir la jouissance de [garden]

    to lose/still have the use of one's legs — perdre/conserver l'usage de ses jambes

    with use ofavec usage de [kitchen]

    to be (of) no use[object] ne servir à rien; [person] n'être bon à rien

    to be (of) no use to somebody[object] ne pas servir à quelqu'un; [person] n'être d'aucune utilité à quelqu'un

    oh, what's the use? — oh, et puis à quoi bon?

    2. [juːz]
    1) ( employ) se servir de, utiliser [object, car, room, money, tool]; employer, utiliser [method]; employer [word, expression]; profiter de, saisir [opportunity]; faire jouer [influence]; avoir recours à [blackmail, force, power]; utiliser [knowledge, talent]

    to use something/somebody as something — se servir de quelque chose/quelqu'un comme quelque chose

    to use something for something/to do — se servir de or utiliser quelque chose pour quelque chose/pour faire

    to be used for something/to do — servir à quelque chose/à faire, être utilisé pour quelque chose/pour faire

    use your head ou loaf! — (colloq) fais marcher un peu ta cervelle! (colloq)

    I could use (colloq) a drink! — j'aurais bien besoin d'un verre!

    2) (also use up) ( consume) consommer [fuel, food]; utiliser [water, leftovers]
    3) ( exploit) péj se servir de [person]
    4) ( take habitually) prendre [drugs]
    used past participle adjective [car] d'occasion; [crockery] sale
    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-French dictionary > use

  • 12 use

    A n
    1 ¢ ( act of using) (of substance, object, machine) emploi m, utilisation f (of de) ; (of word, expression, language) emploi m, usage m (of de) ; the use of force/diplomacy le recours à la force/la diplomatie, l'usage de la force/la diplomatie ; the use of sth as/for sth l'emploi or l'utilisation de qch comme/pour qch ; for use as/in pour être utilisé comme/dans ; for the use of sb, for use by sb (customer, staff) à l'usage de qn ; for my own use pour mon usage personnel ; to make use of sth utiliser qch ; to make good/better/the best use of sth tirer bon/meilleur/le meilleur parti de qch ; to get ou have good ou a lot of use out of sth se servir beaucoup de qch, faire grand usage de qch ; to put sth to good use tirer bon parti de qch ; the car/machine gets regular use la voiture/la machine est utilisée régulièrement ; the room/photocopier is in use at the moment la pièce/la photocopieuse est occupée en ce moment ; while the machine is in use lorsque la machine est en service or en fonctionnement ; for external use only Pharm usage externe ; a word in common ou general use un mot d'usage courant ; out of ou no longer in use [machine] ( broken) hors service ; ( because obsolete) plus utilisé ; [word, expression] plus en usage ; worn/stained with use râpé/taché par l'usage ; this machine came into use in the 1950s cette machine a fait son apparition pendant les années cinquante ; the bridge/new system comes into use next year le pont/le nouveau système entrera en service l'année prochaine ;
    2 ( way of using) (of resource, object, material) utilisation f ; ( of term) emploi m, the many uses of a hairpin les nombreux usages d'une épingle à cheveux ; she has her uses elle a son utilité ; to find a use for sth trouver une utilisation pour qch ; to have no further use for sth/sb ne plus avoir besoin de qch/qn ; I've no use for that sort of talk fig je ne veux pas entendre parler de ça ;
    3 ¢ ( right to use) to have the use of avoir l'usage de [house, car, kitchen] ; avoir la jouissance de [garden] ; to let sb have the use of sth permettre à qn de se servir de qch ; to lose/still have the use of one's legs perdre/conserver l'usage de ses jambes ; with use of avec usage de [kitchen, bathroom] ;
    4 ¢ ( usefulness) to be of use être utile (to à) ; to be (of) no use [object] ne servir à rien ; [person] n'être bon/bonne à rien ; to be (of) no use to sb [object] ne pas servir à qn ; [person] n'être d'aucune utilité à qn ; he's no use at cards il est nul aux cartes ; what use is a wheel without a tyre? à quoi sert une roue sans pneu? ; what's the use of crying? à quoi bon pleurer? ; oh, what's the use? oh, et puis à quoi bon? ; is it any use asking him? est-ce que cela vaut la peine de lui demander? ; it's no use asking me inutile de me demander ; it's no use (he won't listen) c'est inutile (il n'écoutera pas) ; it's no use, we'll have to start rien à faire, il faut s'y mettre.
    B vtr
    1 ( employ) se servir de, utiliser [object, car, room, money, tool, telephone] ; employer, utiliser [method, technique] ; employer [word, expression] ; se servir de [language, metaphor] ; profiter de, saisir [opportunity] ; se servir de, faire jouer [influence] ; avoir recours à [blackmail, force, power] ; utiliser [knowledge, information, talent] ; to use sth/sb as sth se servir de qch/qn comme qch ; to use sth for sth/to do se servir de or utiliser qch pour qch/pour faire ; to be used for sth/to do servir à qch/à faire, être utilisé pour qch/pour faire ; we only use local suppliers nous achetons tous nos produits à des fournisseurs locaux ; somebody's using the toilet il y a quelqu'un dans les toilettes ; can I use you ou your name as a reference? est-ce que je peux donner votre nom comme référence? ; to use one's initiative faire preuve d'initiative ; use your initiative! allez, un peu d'initiative! ; use your head ou loaf ! fais marcher un peu ta cervelle ! ; I could use a drink/bath! j'aurais bien besoin d'un verre/bain! ;
    2 ( also use up) ( consume) consommer [fuel, food] ; he's used all the water il a utilisé toute l'eau ; use the left-overs utilisez les restes ;
    3 ( exploit) péj se servir de [person] ;
    4 ( take habitually) prendre [drugs] ;
    5 ( treat) to use sb well bien traiter qn ; to use sb ill maltraiter qn.
    C vi ( take drugs) se droguer.
    D used pp adj [car] d'occasion ; [container] vide ; [crockery, cutlery] sale ; [condom] usagé.
    use up:
    use [sth] up, use up [sth] finir, utiliser [remainder, food] ; d épenser [money, savings] ; épuiser [supplies, fuel, energy].

    Big English-French dictionary > use

  • 13 use

    utilisation1 (a), 1 (b) emploi1 (a), 1 (c) consommation1 (a) usage1 (a)-(d), 1 (f), 1 (g) besoin1 (d) se servir de2 (a), 2 (b) utiliser2 (a), 2 (c) employer2 (a) prendre2 (a), 2 (e) profiter de2 (b) consommer2 (c) finir2 (c)
    1 noun [ju:s]
    (a) (utilization → of materials) utilisation f, emploi m; (consumption → of water, resources etc) consommation f; (being used, worn etc) usage m;
    the use of brick in building l'emploi ou l'utilisation de la brique dans la construction;
    to stretch (out) with use se détendre à l'usage;
    the dishes are for everyday use c'est la vaisselle de tous les jours;
    ready for use prêt à l'emploi;
    directions or instructions for use (on packaging) mode d'emploi;
    for your personal use (on packaging) pour votre usage personnel;
    for customer use only (sign) réservé à notre clientèle;
    Medicine for external/internal use only (on packaging) à usage externe/interne;
    for use in case of emergency (sign) à utiliser en cas d'urgence;
    the film is for use in teaching le film est destiné à l'enseignement;
    in use (machine, system) en usage, utilisé; (lift, cash point) en service; (phrase, word) usité;
    in general use d'emploi courant, d'utilisation courante;
    not in use, out of use (machine, system) hors d'usage; (lift, cash point) hors service;
    the phrase is no longer in use l'expression est inusitée ou ne s'utilise plus;
    to come into use entrer en service;
    to go out of use (machine) être mis au rebut;
    steam engines went out of use in 1950 on a cessé d'utiliser ou d'employer les machines à vapeur en 1950;
    to make use of sth se servir de ou utiliser qch;
    schools are making increasing use of audio-visual aids les écoles se servent de plus en plus de supports audiovisuels;
    to make good use of, to put to good use (machine, money) faire bon usage de; (opportunity, experience) tirer profit de
    (b) (ability or right to use) usage m, utilisation f;
    we gave them the use of our car nous leur avons laissé l'usage de notre voiture;
    he only has the use of one arm il n'a l'usage que d'un bras;
    she lost the use of her legs elle a perdu l'usage de ses jambes;
    the old man still has the full use of his faculties le vieil homme jouit encore de toutes ses facultés
    (c) (practical application) usage m, emploi m;
    this tool has many uses cet outil a de nombreux usages ou emplois;
    we found a use for the old fridge nous avons trouvé un emploi pour le vieux frigo;
    humorous I have my uses il m'arrive de servir à quelque chose
    (d) (need) besoin m, usage m;
    do you have any use for this book? avez-vous besoin de ce livre?;
    to have no use for sth ne pas avoir besoin de qch; figurative n'avoir que faire de qch;
    I have no use for idle gossip je n'ai que faire des cancans;
    this department has no use for slackers il n'y a pas de place pour les fainéants dans ce service
    to be of use (to sb) être utile (à qn), servir (à qn);
    this dictionary might be of use to you ce dictionnaire pourrait vous être utile ou vous servir;
    were the instructions (of) any use? est-ce que le mode d'emploi a servi à quelque chose?;
    I found his advice to be of little use, his advice was of little use to me je n'ai pas trouvé ses conseils très utiles;
    the book would be of more use if it had illustrations le livre serait plus utile s'il contenait des illustrations;
    it's not much use cela ne sert pas à grand-chose;
    he's not much use as a secretary il n'est pas brillant comme secrétaire;
    to be (of) no use (thing) ne servir à rien; (person) n'être bon à rien;
    they were no use at all during the move ils n'ont rien fait pendant le déménagement;
    you're no use! tu n'es bon à rien!;
    it's or there's no use complaining inutile de ou ça ne sert à rien de se plaindre;
    there's no use shouting ça ne sert à rien de crier, (c'est) inutile de crier;
    it's no use, we might as well give up c'est inutile ou ça ne sert à rien, autant abandonner;
    I tried to convince her but it was no use j'ai essayé de la convaincre mais il n'y avait rien à faire;
    is it any use calling her? est-ce que ça servira à quelque chose de l'appeler?;
    what's the use of waiting? à quoi bon attendre?, à quoi ça sert d'attendre?;
    oh, what's the use? à quoi bon?;
    familiar ironic that's a fat lot of use! ça nous fait une belle jambe!
    (f) Linguistics usage m;
    that's an old-fashioned use c'est un usage vieilli
    (g) Religion usage m
    2 transitive verb [ju:z]
    (a) (put into action → service, tool, skills) se servir de, utiliser; (→ product, name) utiliser; (→ method, phrase, word) employer; (→ vehicle, form of transport) prendre;
    these are the notebooks he used ce sont les cahiers dont il s'est servi ou qu'il a utilisés;
    is anyone using this book? est-ce que quelqu'un se sert de ou a besoin de ce livre?;
    it's very easy to use c'est très facile à utiliser;
    it's no longer used (machine, tool) ça ne sert plus; (word, expression) ça n'est plus usité;
    am I using the term correctly? est-ce comme ça qu'on utilise le terme?;
    I'd like to use my language skills more j'aimerais utiliser davantage mes connaissances en langues;
    I always use public transport je prends toujours les transports en commun;
    we use this room as an office nous nous servons de cette pièce comme bureau, cette pièce nous sert de bureau;
    what is this used for or as? à quoi cela sert-il?;
    it's used for identifying the blood type cela sert à identifier le groupe sanguin;
    I use it for opening or to open letters je m'en sers ou je l'utilise pour ouvrir les lettres;
    I used the money to rebuild my garage j'ai utilisé ou employé l'argent pour reconstruire mon garage;
    what battery does this radio use? quelle pile faut-il pour cette radio?;
    my car uses unleaded petrol ma voiture marche à l'essence sans plomb;
    may I use the phone? puis-je téléphoner?;
    he asked to use the British toilet or American bathroom il a demandé à aller aux toilettes;
    to use force/violence avoir recours à la force/violence;
    the police often use tear gas la police a souvent recours au gaz lacrymogène;
    to use one's intelligence/intuition faire marcher son intelligence/intuition;
    to use diplomacy user de diplomatie;
    to use discretion agir avec discrétion;
    to use one's influence user de son influence;
    use your imagination! utilise ton imagination!;
    use your initiative! fais preuve d'initiative!;
    use your head or your brains! réfléchis un peu!;
    use your eyes! ouvrez l'œil!;
    familiar he could certainly use some help un peu d'aide ne lui ferait pas de mal;
    familiar we could all use a holiday! nous aurions tous bien besoin de vacances!
    (b) (exploit, take advantage of → opportunity) profiter de; (→ person) se servir de;
    use it to your advantage! profitez-en!;
    he's only using you to get ahead il ne fait que se servir de toi pour avancer;
    I feel used j'ai l'impression qu'on s'est servi de moi
    (c) (consume) consommer, utiliser; (finish, use up) finir, épuiser;
    the car's using a lot of oil la voiture consomme beaucoup d'huile;
    have you used all the shampoo? as-tu utilisé tout le shampooing?
    they used the workers well ils ont bien traité les ouvriers, ils ont bien agi envers les ouvriers;
    I consider I was ill used je considère qu'on ne m'a pas traité comme il faut;
    how's the world been using you? comment ça va?
    (e) familiar (drug) prendre
    [ju:z] (only in past tense) they used to live here (avant) ils habitaient ici;
    he used to drink a lot il buvait beaucoup avant;
    it used to be true c'était vrai autrefois;
    it used to be a pleasant town to live in autrefois c'était une ville agréable;
    things aren't what they used to be les choses ne sont plus ce qu'elles étaient;
    she can't get about the way she used to elle ne peut plus se déplacer comme avant;
    she never used to smoke elle ne fumait pas avant;
    we used not or we didn't use to eat meat avant, nous ne mangions pas de viande;
    did he use to visit her? venait-il la voir avant?;
    do you travel much? - I used to vous voyagez beaucoup? - autrefois, oui
    [ju:z] familiar (use drugs) se camer
    (consume) consommer, prendre; (exhaust → paper, soap) finir; (→ patience, energy, supplies) épuiser;
    she used up the leftovers to make the soup elle a utilisé les restes pour faire un potage;
    did you use up all your money? as-tu dépensé tout ton argent?;
    the paper was all used up il ne restait plus de papier

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > use

  • 14 ground

    1) земля, земная поверхность, почва, грунт, верхний слой земли

    There was very little snow on the ground. — На земле было очень много снега.

    The draperies fell down to the ground. — Портьеры падали до самого пола.

    The ground trembled under our feet. — Земля дрожала у нас под ногами.

    The ground is not rich enough for a good crop. — Эта почва недостаточно плодородна, чтобы дать хороший урожай.

    - dry ground
    - boggy ground
    - sandy ground
    - fertile ground
    - newly mage ground
    - good ground for growing wheat
    - ground troops
    - ground operations
    - ground defence
    - ground control
    - ground sheet
    - ground floor
    - ground station
    - ground job
    - ground personnel
    - piece of ground
    - narrow slip of ground
    - smell of dry ground
    - hole in the ground
    - on the ground
    - ground
    - from the ground
    - high above the ground
    - far bellow the ground
    - above ground
    - under ground
    - dress the ground
    - till the ground
    - roll on the ground
    - break new ground
    - throw smth to the ground
    - bend to the ground
    - bow gown to the ground
    - reach the ground
    - kiss the ground
    - stamp the ground
    - touch ground
    - look at the ground
    - draw smth along the ground
    - hit against the ground
    - beat a pole into the ground
    - sink into the ground
    - rise from the ground
    - tear a plant out of ground
    - penetrate into the ground
    - test the ground with one's foot
    - inspect the ground for traces of blood
    - put one's ear to the ground
    - lie on the ground
    - pick smth up from the ground
    - walk on the ground
    - grow in very good ground
    - ground is covered with dry leaves
    - ground settled
    - where the ground was hardest
    2) поле, местность, территория, план

    The ground is mostly planted with trees. — Участок, в основном, засажен деревьями.

    All that ground is build up. — Весь этот участок застроен.

    The police covered the ground north of the town. — Полиция тщательно осмотрела территорию к северу от города.

    We haven't very much more ground to cover here. — Нам осталось пройти еще немного.

    - rising ground
    - hunting ground
    - rough ground
    - winter feeding ground of goats from the mountains
    - level ground
    - rugged ground
    - steep ground
    - grassy grounds
    - extensive grounds
    - considerable ground
    - French ground
    - exhibition ground
    - sports ground
    - pleasure ground
    - landing ground
    - cycling ground
    - broken ground
    - enemy ground
    - parade ground
    - home ground
    - cricket ground
    - university grounds
    - football ground
    - consecrated ground
    - Holy Ground
    - ground contamination
    - good ground for a garden
    - ground north of smth
    - grounds of the mansion
    - ground reserved for gardening
    - rise of the ground
    - character of the ground
    - go over a good ground
    - cover much ground on the hike
    - capture much of the enemy
    - have extensive grounds around the house
    - trespass on smb's grounds
    - walk about the ground
    - find good grounds to build this house
    - close the grounds to the public
    - grounds are splendidly laid out
    3) (обыкновенно pl) основание для обсуждения, тема

    He was rejected on medical grounds. — Его не приняли/он не прошел по медицинским показателям.

    They decided to act on legal grounds. — Они решили действовать на юридических основаниях.

    I'm an experience cook. — Когда речь идет о еде, я абсолютно уверен в себе, так как я опытный повар.

    I see no grounds for denial/refusal. — Не вижу причин для отказа.

    - theoretical grounds
    - delicate ground
    - forbidden ground
    - common ground
    - legal grounds
    - good grounds
    - good grounds for anxiety
    - on normal grounds
    - on legal grounds
    - on rational grounds
    - from the ground up
    - on the ground that...
    - be on one's ground
    - find a common ground
    - be sure of one's own ground
    - be on shaky grounds
    - shift one's ground
    - lose one's ground
    - have no grounds for complaint
    - have every ground to worry
    - cover the whole ground
    - tread on forbidden ground
    - have some grounds for refusal
    - act on grounds of expediency
    - have good grounds to believe
    - have grounds for supposing smth
    - have personal grounds to say so
    - make up lost grounds
    - cut the ground from under smb's feet
    - suit down to the ground
    - do something without grounds
    4) фон, план

    When the green pain off, we saw there was a white ground underneath. — Когда сошла зеленая краска, под ней мы увидели белый фон.

    - back ground
    - on a white ground
    - in the middle ground of the picture
    See air, n; USAGE (2.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > ground

  • 15 head

    1) голова, череп

    The water was over his head. — Вода была ему выше головы.

    She has a good head for heights. — Она хорошо переносит высоту.

    She has no head for heights. — Она не переносит высоту.

    His proud, noble head bowed to nothing. — Он ни перед чем не склонял своей гордой, благородной головы.

    I want a covering for the head. — Мне надо что-нибудь, чем покрыть голову.

    He felt a sharp pain in his head. — Он почувствовал резкую боль в голове.

    It cost him his head. — Это стоило ему головы/жизни.

    to be/to sit at the head of the table — сидеть во главе стола/сидеть на почетном месте за столом;

    Two heads are better than one. — Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше.

    I cannot make head or tail of it. — Ничего не возможно разобрать/понять.

    - shaven head
    - majestic head
    - bumpy head
    - shaking head
    - sore head
    - grey head
    - elegant head
    - egg-shaped head
    - irregular head
    - heavy head
    - curly head
    - bristling head
    - nodding head
    - drooping head
    - giddy head
    - bruised head
    - bloody head head
    - bleeding head
    - hot head
    - hooded head
    - feathered head
    - patient's head
    - horse's head
    - head net
    - head phone
    - head piece
    - sharp pain in the back of one's head
    - bandage on the head
    - constant buzzing in the head
    - blow knock on the head
    - nod of the head
    - shake of the head
    - crown of the head
    - sharp pain in smb's head
    - head with hair
    - head of classical form and beauty
    - head from a doll
    - head of hair
    - good head of hair
    - with a heavy head
    - with a feeling of dullness in one's head
    - with confusion in one's head
    - over the heads of others
    - from head to foot
    - with a bare head
    - with an uncovered head
    - with a bruise on the head
    - aim at smb's head
    - balance smth on one's head
    - bandage smb's head
    - apply a bandage to smb's head
    - be taller by a head
    - be head over ears in debt
    - beat oneself on the head with one's fist
    - beat smb's head off
    - bend one's head over the book
    - bite smb's head off
    - hang one's head in confusion
    - hang one's head down
    - hang one's head on one's chest
    - bow one's head in admiration
    - bow one's head to the ground
    - give one's head for a washing
    - brandish a sword over one's head
    - bring down a sword over smb's head
    - break one's head
    - bump one's head against smth
    - bump heads together
    - bury one's head in one's hands
    - bury one's head in the sand
    - chuck one's head to avoid the blow
    - complain of a throbbing pain in the head
    - cover one's head to protect it from the sun
    - cradle smb's head in one's breasts
    - cross one's hands behind one's head
    - cry one's head off
    - cut off smb's head
    - cut one's head open
    - dip one's head into the water
    - do smth standing on one's head
    - do smth over smb's head
    - give orders over smb's head
    - give answers over smb's head
    - sell a house over smb's head
    - draw one's head into one's shoulders
    - drop one's head on one's breast
    - fall head first
    - fall head over heels
    - fall on one's head
    - feel heavy in the head
    - feel one's head
    - get a bump on the head
    - go about with one's head high in the air
    - give one's head for smth, state one's head on smth
    - go queer in the head
    - have a good head for heights
    - have a strong head for drink
    - have pain in one's head
    - hit one's head on the wall
    - hit one's head against smth
    - hit smb on the head
    - hurt one's head
    - hold one's head up
    - hold one's head with one's hands
    - injure one's head
    - keep one's head above ground
    - keep jerking one's head
    - keep one's head covered
    - lay one's head on smb's chest
    - lift up one's head
    - look smb over from head to foot
    - nod one's head
    - nod one's head in greeting
    - plunge head over heels into the fighting
    - pull one's hat down on the head
    - pull the blanket over one's head
    - put one's head out of the window
    - put one's head in a noose
    - raise one's head
    - rest one's head on the pillow
    - scratch one's head
    - scream one's head off
    - seize one's head in one's hands
    - set a price on smb's head
    - shake one's head
    - shake one's head at smth
    - sit with one's head propped on one's hand
    - snap smb's head off
    - stand on one's head
    - stand with bare heads
    - stand with one's head down
    - stand with averted head
    - stand smth on its head
    - stick one's head in the door
    - stroke smb on the head
    - talk smb's head off
    - talk one's head off
    - throw one's head back
    - tip one's head to one side
    - toss one's head up
    - toss one's head in pride
    - toss one's head in dissent
    - touch one's head to the ground
    - tremble from head to foot
    - turn away one's head
    - turn one's head towards smb
    - walk with one's head high
    - wear nothing on one's head
    - work one's head off
    - wound smb in the head
    - head sitting deep between the shoulders
    - head covered with a kerchief
    2) руководитель, глава, начальник

    I must telephone the head office. — Мне надо позвонить в центр.

    - executive head
    - titular head
    - administrative head
    - military head
    - family head
    - union heads
    - learned heads
    - head teacher
    - head gardener
    - head nurse
    - head surgeon
    - head-cook
    - head waiter
    - head workman
    - head electrician
    - head office
    - head master
    - department head
    - royal heads of Europe
    - head of the delegation
    - head of the tribe
    - head of the department
    - heads of all states
    - Head of the Government
    - Head of the Army
    - head of the expedition
    - under a competent head
    - be at the head of smth
    - put smb at the head of the movement
    - be at the head of the whole business
    - stand at the head of all nations in matters of art
    - be at the head of the epoch
    - be at the head of the field
    - be at the head of the race
    - those at the head of the whole business
    3) ум, интеллект, умственные способности; (а.) a clear (bright, logical) head светлый (ясный, логичный) ум

    The problem is over/beuond our heads. — Нам эту проблему не понять.

    He talked over our heads. — То, что он говорил, не доходило до/было выше нашего понимания.

    He is positively/quite out of his head. — Он определенно выжил из ума.

    Such an idea never entered my head. — Такая мысль мне никогда не приходила в голову/на ум.

    I can't get that into his head. — Я не могу ему этого растолковать/втолковать.

    He made it up out of his own head. — Он все это сам придумал/очинил/выдумал.

    (b) a wise head — умница/мудрая голова/умник;

    the wiser heads — мудрецы;

    a hot head — горячая голова/вспыльчивый человек;

    a wooden head — тупица;

    a competent head — знающий человек;

    to have a good head upon one's shoulders — иметь хорошую голову на плечах/быть умным;

    to have an old head on young shoulders — иметь здравый смысл/быть не по годам умудрённым

    - steady head
    - cool head
    - level head
    - bother one's head about smth
    - be over smb's head
    - get a swollen head
    - be over the heads of the pupils
    - come to smb's head
    - do smth off the top of one's head
    - do calculations in one's head
    - fill one's head with trifles
    - give smb his head
    - have a good head for figures
    - have a head for details
    - have no head for names
    - have a good head for politics
    - keep a level head
    - keep one's head
    - keep one's head shut
    - keep smth in one's head
    - keep a cool head in emergencies
    - lose one's head
    - be of one's head
    - be off one's head about smb
    - have a good head on one's shoulders
    - have an old head on young shoulders
    - put smth into smb's head
    - put ideas into smb's head
    - put two heads together
    - puzzle one's head about smth
    - show much head for business
    - take smth into one's head
    - turn smb's head with flattery
    - trouble one's head about smth
    - use one's head
    - write out of one's head
    4) скот, голова скота (единица счёта), поголовье скота; 20 heads of deer двадцать голов оленей
    - large head of game
    - consumption of milk per head of the population
    5) верхняя главная часть предмета, верх, верхушка, верхняя часть, головная часть, передняя часть, головка, шляпка

    We'll have to knock in the head of the barrel. — Нам придется пробить верх бочки.

    heads I win, tails I lose. — Орел - я выигрываю, решка - проигрываю.

    Coins often bear the head of a famous ruler. — На монетах нередко высечена голова известного правителя.

    - forked head
    - wooden head
    - tape-recorder head
    - pit head
    - pointed arrow head
    - axe head
    - missile head
    - pin head
    - figure head
    - crumpled head
    - head tide
    - head wind
    - head lights
    - head stone
    - head land
    - head division of a parade
    - head of the bed
    - head of the column
    - head of the river
    - head of the bay
    - head of a hammer
    - head of a rail
    - head of a violin
    - head of cane
    - head of the stairs
    - head of the barrel
    - head of barley
    - head of a rock
    - head of a peer
    - mountain head overgrown by shrubbery
    - nails with a wide head
    - bolts with a square head
    - axe with a heavy head
    - glass of beer with a good head on it
    - car with a folding head
    - at the head of a page
    - at the head of the list
    - stand at the head of the bay
    - boil is gathering head
    6) раздел, рубрика, параграф, пункт, заголовок

    The story has a double head. — У рассказа двойное название.

    He arranged his speech under four main heads. — Он разбил свою речь на четыре основных пункта/раздела.

    It may be included under this head. — Это может быть включено в этот параграф/раздел.

    It comes/it is kept/it is included under the head of "miscellavous". — Это помещено в параграфе "разное".

    To hit the nail on the head. — Попасть в самую точку. /Попасть не в бровь, а в глаз.

    Two heads are better than one. — Ум хорошо, а два лучше. /Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше.

    To toss heads or tails. — Бросать жребий.

    I cannot make head or tail of it. — Не могу ничего понять/разобрать.

    - heads of chapters
    - document arranged under five heads
    - under two colums head
    - group the facts under three heads
    - remark on this head
    - speak on this head
    - treat the subject under three main heads
    See arm, n; USAGE (1.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > head

  • 16 more

    I [mɔː] n - would you like some more of this cake?
    - what more do you want?
    - there is much more
    II [mɔː]
    (сравнительная степень от much, many)
    1) больше, ещё

    We have a little more time left. — У нас еще осталось немного времени.

    I must say one more thing. — Я должен еще кое-что сказать.

    - two more books
    - it will take more time
    - it is more than we need
    2) больше, скорее

    He is more of a philosopher an artist. — Он скорее философ, чем художник.

    I have no more patience with him. — У меня больше нет с ним терпения.

    There's more than one way to kill a cat. — Свет клином не сошелся.

    (1.) Русские гораздо/намного больше соответствуют сочетаниям прилагательного more с разными усилителями. Если more определяет исчисляемое существительное, то употребляются any, far, many, no, several, some, a few, a good many, a great many: many more questions намного больше вопросов; several more lessons еще несколько уроков; a few more days еще несколько дней. Если more определяет неисчисляемое существительное, то используются any, far, much, no, rather, some, a bit, a good deal, a little: much more time гораздо больше времени; some more money несколько больше книг; a good deal of patience огромное терпение. (2.) Русскому обороту на пять (семь) домов больше соответствует five housesmore; русскому вдвое (втрое) больше/в два (три) раза больше соответствует twice (three times) as many (as much)/three times more. (3.) Оборот more than обычно стоит после глагола и перед определяемой группой: he had to wait more than he had expected ему пришлось ждать больше/дольше, чем он ожидал; he gave me more money than I asked for он дал мне больше денег, чем я просил. (4.) For more 2.; See else, adv (5.) See many, adj; USAGE (2.), (4.). (6.) See long, adv; USAGE (5.).
    III [mɔː] adv
    - read more
    - see no more of smb
    - be no more
    - no more
    2) служит для образования сравнительных степеней многосложных прилагательных и наречий

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > more

  • 17 order

    I ['ɔːdə] n
    1) порядок, исправность

    My liver is out of order. — У меня не в порядке печень.

    My stomach is out of order. — У меня расстроился желудок.

    My affairs are in good order. — Все мои дела в порядке.

    The goods arrived in good order. — Весь товар прибыл в хорошем состоянии.

    - good order
    - order of words in a sentence
    - natural order of things
    - in the right order
    - in good order
    - in the alphabetical order
    - keep order
    - call smb to order
    - put the room in order
    - keep the room in order
    - be in good working order
    - arrange books in order according to subject
    - copy the words in order
    - place the books in order of size
    - room is in order
    - machine is in order
    2) порядок, справедливость
    - stable world order
    - constitutional order
    - order of measures to be taken
    - order of business at the next meeting
    - order of the day
    - order of battle
    3) in order to do smth чтобы сделать что-либо/для того, чтобы сделать что-либо

    We took a taxi in order not to be late. — Мы взяли такси, чтобы не опоздать.

    Русскому быть/находиться в беспорядке соответствует в английском языке to be in disorder: the room is in disorder в комнате беспорядок/комната в беспорядке. Оборот to be out of order соответствует русскому быть не в порядке, быть неисправным, не работать: the bell is out of order звонок не работает/звонок не исправен/звонок испортился
    II ['ɔːdə] n
    1) приказание, приказ, предписание, распоряжение

    I won't take orders from any one. — Я не позволю никому собой командовать.

    I'm under orders to search (arrest) you. — У меня приказ обыскать (арестовать) вас.

    - banker's standing order
    - in spite of smb's order
    - obey smb's orders
    - disobey smb's orders
    - do smth on smb's order
    - give orders
    - receive an order to do smth
    - give an order that smth should be done
    - take orders
    - follow orders
    - receive orders to start at once
    2) заказ, ордер

    The waiter has come to take our order. — Официант подошел, чтобы взять наш заказ.

    Your order has arrived. — Ваш заказ готов.

    You'd better not accept further orders for delivery. — Вам лучше не принимать новых заказов на доставку.

    We cannot take the order on the terms quoted. — Мы не можем принять ваш заказ на указанных условиях.

    - big order
    - single order
    - back order
    - considerable order
    - postal money order
    - delivery order department
    - made-to-order suit
    - order for smth
    - order for food products
    - order to view
    - have smth on order
    - make an order for smth
    - cancel the order
    - give an order for smth
    - be heavy with order
    - dispatch smth's order
    - place orders with smb
    - distribute orders
    - enter smb's order
    - get orders
    - make an order by mail
    - repeat the previous order
    - take smb's order for smth
    - orders are fallery are falling off
    3) распоряжение, поручение
    - payment orders
    - strict orders

    He was awarded several orders. — Он был награжден несколькими орденами. /Он получил несколько орденов

    III ['ɔːdə]
    1) приказывать, распоряжаться

    He likes to order everybody around. — Он любит всеми командовать.

    - order smb to do smth
    - order smth to be done
    - order the gates to be locked
    2) заказывать, делать заказ

    I haven't ordered yet. — Я еще не заказал.

    Don't forget to order more pencils. — Не забудьте заказать еще карандашей.

    I've ordered you a beer. — Я заказал вам пиво.

    - order a coat
    - order dinner
    - order goods
    - order meat by telephone
    - order flour from a store
    - order dinner for three
    Русское заказывать соответствует в английском языке глаголам to order smth 2., to book smth и to reserve smth Глагол to book употребляется в ситуациях заказа билетов, права на проезд в транспорте, мест в ресторане: to book train ticket in advance заказать билет на поезд заранее; we need to book well in advance for summer holiday на время летних отпусков билеты надо заказывать заранее; the restaurant is fully booked up в ресторане мест больше нет; I've booked a table for two at the Metropol я заказал столик на двоих в Метрополе. Глагол to reserve обозначает заказывать, бронировать, зарезервировать: to reserve a hotel accommodation (a room) заказывать гостиницу (номер); reserve a seat for me on the plane, please забронируйте мне билет на самолет, пожалуйста
    (1.) Глагол to order 1. в английском языке (в отличие от русского приказывать, для которого косвенное дополнение необязательно) требует обязательного косвенного дополнения, которое всегда стоит перед последующим инфинитивом: he ordered him to set the dog free он приказал (ему) отпустить собаку. В случаях, когда косвенное дополнение отсутствует, употребляется придаточное предложение, вводимое союзом that и инфинитивной конструкцией с глаголом should: the office ordered that the prisoners should be taken away офицер приказал увести заключенных. (2.) See advice, v

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > order

  • 18 use

    I [ju:z] verb
    1) (to employ (something) for a purpose: What did you use to open the can?; Use your common sense!) utiliser
    2) (to consume: We're using far too much electricity.) consommer
    - used - user - user-friendly - user guide - be used to something - be used to - used to II [ju:s]
    1) (the act of using or state of being used: The use of force to persuade workers to join a strike cannot be justified; This telephone number is for use in emergencies.) usage, utilisation
    2) (the/a purpose for which something may be used: This little knife has plenty of uses; I have no further use for these clothes.) usage
    3) ((often in questions or with negatives) value or advantage: Is this coat (of) any use to you?; It's no use offering to help when it's too late.) utilité
    4) (the power of using: She lost the use of her right arm as a result of the accident.) usage
    5) (permission, or the right, to use: They let us have the use of their car while they were away.) usage
    - usefulness - usefully - useless - be in use - out of use - come in useful - have no use for - it's no use - make good use of - make use of - put to good use - put to use

    English-French dictionary > use

  • 19 service

    A n
    1 ( department) service m ; (accident and) emergency service service des urgences ; information service service d'informations or de renseignements ;
    2 (facility, work done) service m ; advisory service service de conseil ; professional services services mpl professionnels ; public service service public ; for services rendered Comm pour services rendus ; to offer/provide a service offrir/fournir un service ; we need the services of an accountant nous avons besoin (des services) d'un comptable ; to dispense with sb's services se passer des services de qn ; she received an award for services to the arts/industry elle a reçu un prix pour les services qu'elle a rendus à la culture/à l'industrie ; it's all part of the service ( don't mention it) c'est tout naturel ; ( it 's all included) tout est compris ; ‘normal service will be resumed as soon as possible’ Radio, TV ‘dans quelques instants la suite de votre programme’ ; my services don't come cheap! je me fais payer cher! ;
    3 (work, period of work done) gen, Admin, Mil service m (in dans ; to de) ; 30 years of service 30 ans de service ; a lifetime of service to the firm/community une vie passée au service de l'entreprise/de la communauté ; at sb's service au service de qn ; I'm at your service je suis à votre service ; to put ou place sth at sb's service mettre qch à la disposition de qn ; in sb's service au service de qn ; in the service of humanity au service de l'humanité ; he travelled a lot in the service of his firm il a beaucoup voyagé pour sa compagnie ; he gave his life in the service of his country il a donné sa vie pour servir son pays ; to be in service Hist travailler comme domestique ; to go into service with sb entrer au service de qn ; to see service in the army/in Egypt servir dans l'armée/en Egypte ;
    4 Comm ( customer care) service m (to à) ; to get good/bad service être bien/mal servi ; we add on 15% for service nous ajoutons 15% pour le service ; ‘includes service’ ( on bill) ‘service compris’ ; is the service included? ( in restaurant) le service est compris? ; can we have some service here please? est-ce que quelqu'un peut nous servir s'il vous plaît? ; we must improve the quality of service nous devons améliorer la qualité du service ; we have a reputation for good service nous sommes réputés pour la qualité de notre service ;
    5 (from machine, vehicle, product) usage m ; to give good ou long service [machine] fonctionner longtemps ; [vehicle, product, garment] faire de l'usage ; I've had years of service from that car/typewriter cette voiture/machine à écrire m'a duré des années ; to be in service être en service ; the plane is still in service with many airlines cet avion est encore en service dans de nombreuses compagnies aériennes ; to come into/go out of service entrer en/cesser d'être en service ; it went out of service years ago il n'est plus en service depuis des années ; to take sth out of service retirer qch du service [plane, machine] ; ‘out of service’ ( on bus) ‘hors service’ ; ( on machine) ‘en panne’ ;
    6 ( transport facility) service m (to pour) ; bus/coach/taxi/train service service d'autobus/de cars/de taxi/de trains ; to run a regular service assurer un service régulier ; an hourly bus/train service un autobus/train toutes les heures ; the number 28 bus service la ligne du 28 ;
    7 Aut, Tech ( overhaul) révision f ; a 15,000 km service la révision des 15 000 km ; the photocopier/washing machine is due for a service la photocopieuse/machine à laver a besoin d'être révisée ;
    8 Relig office m ; morning/Sunday service office du matin/du dimanche ; marriage service cérémonie f nuptiale ; form of service ( printed) déroulement m de l'office ;
    9 ( crockery) service m ; dinner service service de table ; tea service service à thé ;
    10 Sport service m ; your service! à toi de servir! ; return of service retour m de service ;
    11 (help, good turn) service m ; to do sb a service rendre service à qn ; to be of service to sb [person] aider qn ; [thing] être utile à qn ;
    12 Jur signification f ;
    13 ( of female animal) saillie f.
    1 the services Mil, Naut les armées ; a career in the services une carrière dans l'armée ;
    2 ( on motorway) aire m de services ; ‘services 40 km’ ‘aire de services à 40 km’.
    C modif Mil [gun] de guerre ; [pay, pension] militaire ; [personnel] de l'armée ; [life] dans l'armée ; service dress tenue f militaire.
    D vtr
    1 Aut, Tech (maintain, overhaul) faire la révision de [vehicle] ; entretenir, assurer l'entretien de [machine, boiler] ; to have one's car serviced faire réviser sa voiture, donner sa voiture à réviser ;
    2 Fin payer les intérêts de [debt, loan] ;
    3 ( mate with) couvrir [cow, mare].

    Big English-French dictionary > service

  • 20 neither

    I ['naɪðə] adj - neither road is very good, but this one is better than the other
    - it is neither here nor there
    (1.) See any, adj; USAGE (3.). (2.) See both, adj; USAGE (1.).
    II ['naɪðə]

    I don't like this book; neither does he; I haven't read this book, neither do I intend to. — Я не читал этой книги и не собираюсь ее читать.

    (1.) Наречие neither соответствует русскому тоже, также в кратком подтверждении предшествующего отрицательного утверждения и в отрицательных предложениях: They don't like such films - Neither do I Им не нравятся такие фильмы - Мне тоже. В предложениях, начинающихся с neither, употребляется обратный порядок слов, т. е. neither стоит перед вспомогательным или модальным глаголом, за которым следует подлежащее: I don't know, neither can I guess я не знаю и догадаться тоже не могу; I haven't read this book, neither do I intend to я не читал этой книги и не собираюсь ее читать. (2.) See also, adv; USAGE (2.), (4.).
    III ['naɪðə]
    ни тот, ни другой; никто из

    Would you like tea or coffee? - Neither. — Что вы будете пить, чай или кофе? - Ни то, ни другое.

    - both of them were invited, but neither of them came
    (1.) Местоимение neither подразумевает выбор среди всего двух лиц или предметов и согласуется с глаголом в единственном числе: neither of you knows the truth никто из вас (двоих) не знает истины; both them are invited, but neither of them is going to come их обоих пригласили, но они оба (ни тот, ни другой) не собирались приходить. (2.) See both, prn (3.) See either, prn
    IV ['naɪðə]

    I saw neither him nor his wife. — Я не видел ни его, ни его жены.

    - neither he nor I will come
    See either, cj; USAGE (1.), (2.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > neither

См. также в других словарях:

  • Usage — Us age, n. [F. usage, LL. usaticum. See {Use}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of using; mode of using or treating; treatment; conduct with respect to a person or a thing; as, good usage; ill usage; hard usage. [1913 Webster] My brother Is prisoner to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • good use — (in a language) standard use or usage. Also, good usage. * * * good use, ways of speaking and writing accepted as standard …   Useful english dictionary

  • good use — (in a language) standard use or usage. Also, good usage. * * * …   Universalium

  • usage — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Custom] Syn. practice, wont, rule, habit, habiture, convention, way, method, mode, routine, rote, formula, acceptance, regulation, currency. 2. [Accepted language] Syn. good usage, grammatical usage, approved diction; see… …   English dictionary for students

  • good — /good/, adj., better, best, n., interj., adv. adj. 1. morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man. 2. satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health. 3. of high quality; excellent. 4. right; proper; fit:… …   Universalium

  • Usage share of operating systems — Usage share of web client operating systems. (Source: Median values from Usage share of operating systems for August 2011.)   Windows XP ( …   Wikipedia

  • Usage-based insurance — Usage based insurance, also known as pay as you drive (PAYD) and mile based auto insurance is a type of automobile insurance whereby the costs of motor insurance are dependent upon type of vehicle used, measured against Time, Distance and Place.… …   Wikipedia

  • good — [good] adj. better, best [ME gode < OE gōd, akin to Ger gut < IE base * ghedh , to unite, be associated, suitable > GATHER] I a general term of approval or commendation 1. a) suitable to a purpose; effective; efficient [a lamp good to… …   English World dictionary

  • Good-natured — Good na tured, a. Naturally mild in temper; not easily provoked; amiable; cheerful; not taking offense easily; as, too good natured to resent a little criticism; the good natured policeman on our block; the sounds of good natured play. Opposite… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • good — 1 adj bet·ter, best 1: commercially sound or reliable a good risk 2 a: valid or effectual under the law b: free of defects 3 a: characterized by honesty and fairness b: conforming to a standard of vi …   Law dictionary

  • Good old boys — or good ole boys/good ol boys is an American slang term that can have both positive and negative meanings, depending on context and usage. Complimentary Slang The term can be used for well socialized men who live in rural and generally southern… …   Wikipedia

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